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Thursday, June 9, 2011

an introduction

      Hello everyone I am making this blog to show people the in's and outs of hardcore gaming. as being a a person who has played in many game tournements i know some of the in's and outs of pro gaming. A little about myself I play FPS's, RTS, rpg, MMO's, or ( First poerson shooters, Real Time strategy, Role Playing games, and Massive multiplayer online games) I follow plenty of gaming blogs and podcasts. ive built my own gaming rigs from scratch. I have played in C.A.L. C.P.L and M.L.G  I first competed in C.A.L or (cyber atheletic amature league) back in 05' with the game Day of Defeat my team lost semifinals but i was hooked.

 Ive played on gaming teams from all around my state. Competing in  local tournements at first and building up to C.A.L, C.P.L, and M.L.G. .The last tournement   i won was a newyears eve black ops tournement  at a very large gaming center in a city next to me i won 500 bucks for MVP.

Now im going to tell you why im making this blog. Im making this blog to help people break into the pro gaming circit gaming news and general info about gaming.  It takes alot of pratice to get to a level to play in the pro circit but if gaming is your passion I can help you on your jounrey to greatness.


  1. I use to be a hardcore gamer but I really just wasn't born with enough talent to play competitively.

  2. it takes alot of hard work to game pro ive been gaming sense i was 2 so i have alot of exp doing it and if you want to try and go pro ask for my steam id and i can help u out

  3. I'm about average at games, I've always been jealous of those with natural talent!

  4. Great to see you're successful, I hope you'll write a lot. :)

  5. wow, you must be pretty good. $500 isn't small money. :O

  6. This has promise and i'd like to see your words of wisdom :). morning coffed.
